CELEBio Croatia project team participated at event Round table „Opportunities for Bio-Based industries in the Republic of Croatia” at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb in the organisation of Ministry of Agriculture. The main discussion was held on the topic of rate and success of the current state of the play and possibilities for further development of the Bioeconomy in Croatia. The overview of ongoing Bioeconomy supporting activities in Croatia was given through presentations of stakeholders included in Horizon2020 and BBI JU projects (Particula group, Bio-mi ltd., Faculty of Agriculture, Institute for Development and International Relations and Energy institute Hrvoje Požar). During the discussion, participants emphasized Croatia’s potential for successful integration of bioeconomy due to the vast resources available, the tradition in primary sectors as well as growing R&D potentials. CELEBio team Croatia presented ongoing and planned activities. Also, the need for the creation of new communication channels through the work of Focus group in the purpose of delivering the National Action Plan was emphasized and all participants were encouraged to contribute.

Nacionalni trening centar osnažio je edukativnu i stručnu ulogu EIHP-a
Tijekom tri desetljeća svog djelovanja Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) razvio je široki spektar stručnih