Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) requires Member States to implement an Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS) or Alternative Measures to achieve a cumulative energy savings target over an obligation period (currently 2021-2030).
ENSMOV Plus is a three-year European project of the LIFE program, launched in December 2022. It builds on the previous ENSMOV project to provide support to public authorities and key stakeholders on the implementation of Article 7 EED.
The activities and resources developed by the project will cover the whole policy cycle, facilitate experience sharing and make knowledge and information easy to find and use. The project will deal with both short-term and concrete issues and longer term strategic approaches to improving the effectiveness of energy efficiency policies. The challenges of meeting the 2023 recast of the EED and its relation to the wider Fit-for-55 Package will be a key focus of the project.
The project will also continue the development of the ENSMOV knowledge sharing platform where all relevant information on Article 7 EED and its implementation can be found.
The consortium includes partners from 12 Member States: Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Slovenia.
With the EED recast, Article 7 will become Article 8. However, as the recast is not yet adopted and most stakeholders are still used to the current numbering, we speak in this survey of Article 7 EED.