Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) is organizing the ODYSSEE-MURE workshop, which will be held from April 24 to 26, 2023, in Zagreb. The workshop takes place within the framework of the ODYSSEE-MURE project, which aims to monitor energy efficiency trends and measures in Europe. It gathers representatives from all EU member states and representatives of ECS countries. The project activities take place within the LIFE21 program of the EU, and the Croatian national team in the project consists of representatives from EIHP.
The workshop will include representatives from 40 countries (ENERDATA France, FRAUNHOFER Germany, AEA Austria, FOD Economie Belgium, SEDA Bulgaria, CYI Cyprus, ENVIROS Czech Republic, DEA Denmark, TALTECH Estonia, IDAE Spain, CRES Greece, EIHP Croatia, MEKH Hungary, SEAI Ireland, ENEA Italy, LEI Lithuania, Klima-Agence Luxembourg, IPE Latvia, EWA Malta, RVO Netherlands, GUS in KAPE Poland, ADENE Portugal, MINER Romania, STEM and Borg&CO Sweden, JSI Slovenia, SIEA Slovakia, IEECP Netherlands, ECS, representatives of ministries responsible for energy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova and Serbia).
In the first section of the workshop, EIHP will prepare appropriate lectures on the current situation and activities in the Republic of Croatia.
„ODYSSEE“ projekt pokrenut je 1993. godine zajedničkom suradnjom francuske agencije za zaštitu okoliša i upravljanje energijom, Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie (ADEME) i programom SAVE upravljan sektorom Europske komisije zaduženim za energiju i svim energetskim agencijama u EU-15 i Norveškoj. Od samog pokretanja, projekt je bio proširivan SAVE programom te od 2005. i Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programom, dok je sufinanciran od strane svih nacionalnih energetskih agencija. Od 2001. godine, projekt je povezan s europskom bazom podataka za donošenje političkih odluka o racionalnom korištenju energije nazvanom Mesures d’Utilisation Rationnelle de l’Energie (MURE). Udruživanjem ODYSSEE projekta s MURE bazom podataka 2006. godine, pod zajedničkim imenom „ODYSSEE – MURE“ pokrenut je projekt u sklopu šestog okvirnog programa (FP6) Europske unije. „ODYSSEE – MURE“ projekt koordiniran je od strane ADEME dok tehničku podršku pružaju Enerdata (nezavisna energetska konzultantska kompanija) i Fraunhofer ISI (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research). Trenutačno se projektne aktivnosti odvijaju u okviru LIFE21 programa te obuhvaćaju više od 40 partnera.
Two complementary databases were developed within the project. The first database, called ODYSSEE, contains data on energy efficiency indicators and CO2 indicators, while the MURE database contains data on the efficiency and effect of measures aimed at improving energy efficiency.
For more information visit the project website: