- AGWH – German Heat and Power Association, Njemačka
- AIRU – Italian District Heating Association, Italija
- Ambiente Italia, Italija
- Andalusian Institute of Technology, Španjolska
- ARENATejo – Regioanl Energy and Environment Agency from North Alentejo, Portugal
- Association for District Heating of Czech Republic, Češka
- Austrian Energy Agency (AEA), Austrija
- Centar za energetska efikasnost na Makedonija – MACEF
- Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS), Poljska
- CIEMAT, Španjolska
- CIT Energy Management, Švedska
- CityPlan, Češka
- COWI A/S, Danska
- Cowi, Danska
- CRES, Grčka
- CSTB-Building scientific and Technical centre, Francuska
- Cyprus Institute of Energy (CIE), Cipar
- Danish Energy Agency (DEA), Danska
- Danish Technological institute, Danska
- E7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH, Austrija
- Elektroprivreda Crne Gore, Crna Gora
- Elektroprivreda Hrvatske zajednice Herceg Bosne, BiH
- Elektroprivreda BiH, BiH
- ECN, Nizozemska
- Economic Consulting Associates, UK
- Econotec, Belgija
- Ekodoma, Latvija
- Electrica Serv – S.A., Rumunjska
- ENEA, Italija
- Energetska zajednica
- Enerdata, Francuska
- Energie Graz, Austrija
- Energoprojekt – Hidroinženjering a.d., Srbija
- Energy and Sustainable Development Agency of Modena, Italija
- Energy Efficiency Center SEVn, Češka
- Energy Engineering Economic Environment Systems Modeling and Analysis SRL, Italija
- Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), Nizozemska
- Enova SF, Norveška
- ENVIROS, Češka
- Euroheat & Power, Belgija
- EuropAid, EU
- European Biogas Association aisbl (EBA), EU
- Europska komisija, EU
- Exergia, Grčka
- Fichtner – Engineering und Consulting, Njemačka
- Fondation Sophia Antipolis, Francuska
- Fraunhofer ISI, Njemačka
- Fraunhofer IWES, Njemačka
- French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), Francuska
- GIZ, Njemačka
- GOPA Consultants, Njemačka
- Graz Energy Agency, Austrija
- Gropp Consulting GmgH, Njemačka
- Institut Francais des Relations Internationales, Francuska
- Institute for Diversification and Saving Energy (IDAE), Španjolska
- Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), Norveška
- Institute of Physical Energetics (IPE), Latvija
- IrRADIARE, Portugal
- Italian National Agency for New Technologies (ENEA), Italija
- Karanović & Nikolić, Bosna i Hercegovina
- Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie, Njemačka
- KIC InnoEnergy SE, Nizozemska
- Knauf Insulation, USA
- Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Švedska
- Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI), Litva
- Local Energy Agency-LEA Spodnje Podravje, Slovenija
- Makedonski elektroprijenosni sistem operator, Republika Makedonija
- Malta Resources Authority (MRA), Malta
- Marstal District Heating, Danska
- Ministarstvo ekonomije Crne Gore, Crna Gora
- Ministarstvo prometa i veza Republike Makedonije, Republika Makedonija
- Motiva, Finska
- Municipality of Abrantes, Portugal
- MVV decon GmbH, Njemačka
- Myenergy, Luksemburg
- Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Nizozemska
- Paul Scherrer Institut, Švicarska
- PlanEnergi, Danska
- Podkarpacka Energy Management Agency, Poljska
- Polish Biogas Association, Poljska
- Province of Massa-Carrara, Italija
- Ricardo-AEA, UK
- Romanian Agency for Energy Conservation (ARCE), Rumunjska
- S.O.L.I.D. Company for Installation of Solar and Design, Austrija
- SC Mangus Sol Srl, Rumunjska
- SEEC- Srpski Ekološki Energetski Centar, Srbija
- Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA), Slovačka
- Sogesca Srl, Italija
- Solites, Njemačka
- South East Europe Consultants Ltd, Srbija
- Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future LBG, UK
- Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEEA), Bugarska
- Technology Park of Andalusia, Španjolska
- The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), Grčka
- The Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), UK
- The Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (ISIS), Italija
- The Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS), Slovenija
- The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE), Poljska
- The Portuguese Energy Agency (ADENE), Portugal
- The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), Irska
- The Swedish Energy Agency (STEM), Švedska
- Universitaet Stuttgart, Njemačka
- University College Cork, National University of Ireland, Cork
- University College London, UK
- Vijeće ministara BiH, BiH
- Vito, Belgija
- Vlada Republike Srpske, BiH
- VTT, Finska
- WIP – Renewable Energies, Njemačka
- Wip Renewable Energies, Njemačka
- World bank
- ZAAO, Latvija
- i drugi.
- Vlada RH, ministarstva, županije i gradovi
- Fakulteti i sveučilišta
- Agrokor
- AHK – Deutsche Kroatische Industrie und Handelskammer
- Centar za tehnologiju zaštite na radu
- Dalekovod projekt
- Deloitte Savjetodavne Usluge
- Državni hidrometeorološki zavod
- Elektroprojekt Zagreb
- HEP grupa
- Hrvatske željeznice
- Hrvatske autoceste
- HT – Hrvatske telekomunikacije
- INA grupa
- Institut za elektroprivredu i energetiku
- Inženjering za naftu i plin
- Odvjetničko društvo Bekina, Škurla, Durmiš i Spajić
- Odvjetničko društvo Laktić
- Oikon
- Plinacro
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Vračtehnike
- Zagrebački Holding
- i drugi.