
Upcoming conference – ”Merging the Split: converting Spaces into Places”

Preliminary program of the conference ”Merging the Split: converting Spaces into Places” on integrated urban development and placemaking, that will be held in the City of Split (Croatia) on April 25 and 26 can be downloaded here. The conference will be an exciting opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience on sustainable city development and inclusion of the public in the creation of public urban spaces. At the moment, there are 50 confirmed speakers from 12 European countries participating in 10 thematic sessions, 6 workshops and 2 plenary sessions. The applications for the conference will be open in few days.
The conference topics include: sustainable and integrated urban development, the challenges of touristification, transformation of urban areas and cultural heritage, urban mobility, revival of small and medium-sized towns, participatory budgeting, energy efficiency and urban areas, and public spaces for children and youth! The conference will be particularly interesting for local officials and public servants working on spatial planning, social affairs, city development and EU projects, as well as urban planners and architects.
Energy Institute is participating on Thursday, 25th of April  with a workshop – INTEGRATIVE SUSTAINABLE PLANNING OF URBAN AREAS – CESBA MED APPROACH                                                                      Led by Margareta Zidar (M.Arch, energy surveyor / Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Zagreb) and Vesna Bukarica (Ph.D, energy efficiency policy expert / Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Zagreb)
The workshop is intended for city administration professionals and experts in wide scope of sustainability issues – technical, organisational and financial. Integrative urban planning is a process of identifying constraints and targets and setting scenarios for improving living conditions and infrastructure availability of specific urban areas (neighbourhoods).
Aim of the workshop is to transfer knowledge on sustainable urban development methodologies, practices, tools and decision making proces developed and tested in CESBA MED project. The CESBA MED approach is based on common sustainability framework and use of assessment tools for comparing and ranking various urban development scenarios.
In the workshop, common sustainability framework and key sustainability indicators will be introduced. The sustainability assessment of the Mravince neighborhood for current situation and after improvement scenarios will be presented. Two discussion groups will be formed to discuss the practical use of sustainability indicators in urban and energy planning. Results of  discussions will be presented in plenary session, followed by cross-group discussion on specific experience of participants in urban development and then the main conclusions will be formulated.


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