Energy regulations and economics

A quality legislative framework is a basis for the successful planning and development of energy systems. In addition, the market performance of new investments must be systematically analyzed and simulated long before investments start and throughout the life cycle of power plants. In this context, the institute provides the services of energy project feasibility studies , in-depth project surveys, analysis of market trends, and regulation of energy activities. 

The Institute actively participates in the field of energy legislation and related legal areas (commercial law, administrative law, property law, social law, spatial planning and construction, environmental protection, concessions, public-private partnerships, etc.), proposing legal solutions in energy sector, harmonization of national energy legislation with the EU energy acquis, drafting and implementation of strategic planning, laws and bylaws in the energy sector, restructuring, privatization and operation of energy entities, organization and regulation of energy markets as well establishing and strengthening the institutional capacity of operators, agencies, etc. The Institute performs these activities for the needs of public bodies, energy, and other economic entities, international financial institutions, etc., and within various European and international infrastructure projects in Croatia and Southeast Europe.

Our services

Development of feasibility studies and cost-benefit analysis

Analysis of market potentials for energy entities

Benchmark analysis

Expertise in litigation

Analysis of tariff policies and development of tariff methodologies

Preparation of bases for laws and bylaws

Analysis and policymaking in the fight against energy poverty

Analysis of macroeconomic effects of changes in the energy system and fiscal effects of energy policies and measures

Analysis of regulations, rights, obligations, and administrative procedures for the preparation and implementation of energy projects (gas infrastructure projects, conventional energy plants, research and use of geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy, sea energy, etc.)

Investment estimates using data collection frameworks and real-world options, econometric modeling, and analysis of financial instruments in the electricity and natural gas markets

Expert support for monitoring and implementation of EU energy legislation and the acquis, including the development of new technologies, markets, and regulations

Professional support in the development of proposals for strategic planning documents and regulations in the field of energy (electricity, gas, heat, oil and petroleum products, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, etc.)

Professional support in the preparation of expert opinions, explanations, instructions, and guides for the application of energy and other relevant regulations

Professional support to regulatory and executive activities in the energy sector by agencies, funds, system operators, and markets