The main goal of the HEAT 35 project is to collaborate with district heating (DH) systems to enhance sustainability and energy efficiency by utilizing at least 50% renewable energy sources and/or waste heat by 2035. This will be achieved through cooperation between technical partners and DH system operators.
The Central Europe region has high heating and cooling demands and a significant reliance on fossil fuels. However, it also has well-developed DH systems and substantial potential for heat into DH networks.
HEAT 35 project partners will collaboratively design transformational solutions for the district heating systems involved in the project. Technical partners will create the “HEAT 35 Kit”, a set of guidelines and tools to assist DH operators in implementing sustainable and energy-efficient solutions in their systems. Additionally, DH operators will participate in a learning process through the “HEAT 35 Learning Lab”, where they will develop the skills needed to manage new, more complex district heating systems.
HEAT 35 builds on the Interreg Central Europe project CE-HEAT, which developed a waste heat source map and utilization calculator, and ENTRAIN project, which designed quality standards for biomass. The project consortium consists of 10 partners from 7 different Central European countries (Croatia, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, and Italy).
Technical Partners:
- Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP)
- AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE-INTEC)
- Thuringian Energy and GreenTech Agency (THEGA)
- E-zavod
- Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia (APE FVG)
District Heating System Operators:
- Tehnostan
- Heating Chodov (HCH)
- Cracow District Heating Company (MPEC)
- Municipality of Velenje
- Municipality of Maniago