The building sector is the largest individual consumer of energy, and if the European goal of a climate-neutral continent is to be achieved by 2050, energy renewal and the use of renewable energy sources will have to be considerably accelerated. Croatia is not exempt from this acceleration, and more concrete steps will have to be taken to make the housing fund in Croatia more energy efficient. Given that more than half of the housing fund is energy-inefficient, much work is ahead.
This was highlighted at the conference "CO2 to 55 - GREEN PLAN FOR CROATIA", which took place on Wednesday, June 14, at the Zonar Hotel in Zagreb, organized by Motus Media and Zgradonač The conference gathered eminent experts in this field, and the EIHP's CEO, Dražen Jakšić also participated. He presented "nZEB concept for 2050" and opened a panel discussion "0 CO2 - real estate, the role of the state and public bodies".
“Jedna od osnovnih izmjena koje su predviđene izmjenama Direktive o energetskim svojstvima zgrada je obveza korištenja energije Sunca u zgradama, što znači prestanak korištenja fosilnih goriva za potrebe grijanja, zatim prelazak na integrirani pristup energetskoj obnovi prostornih cjelina. Sve to znači da sve nove zgrade moraju biti projektirane tako da mogu proizvoditi energiju iz Sunca – električnu i/ili toplinsku”, istaknuo je ravnatelj EIHP-a. Predstavio je i iskustvo EIHP-a u nZEB rekonstrukciji zgrade te novi nZEB training center i module koje obuhvaća.
At the conference, questions were raised about the energy renovation of real estate in the Republic of Croatia (apartment buildings, public and business buildings, and family houses), the use of renewable energy sources, and answers were given that 32 billion euros will be spent by 2050.
The entire report is available on Zgradonač