Over the past thirty years of its operation, the Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar has developed a wide range of professional competencies that enable support for the energy transition, whether it is preparing strategic documents, planning the development of energy systems, providing technical assistance, or training.
In 2024 alone, the Institute implemented more than 200 projects in the field of green transition for domestic and international clients, as well as numerous development and research projects financed by the European Union programs.
One of the more significant projects last year was the Institute's project, which is also a concrete example of implementing the principles of energy transition in practice - "Establishment of a National Training Center for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB)". The project was financed under the "Energy and Climate Change" program, for which 1.6 million euros of non-repayable funds were secured from the Financial Mechanisms of the European Economic Area for 2014-2021, and an additional 700 thousand euros of own funds were invested. As part of the project, an education center and a knowledge exchange platform were created, and the Institute building underwent a green and digital transformation.
The dissemination of knowledge through the activities of the new education center will further strengthen EIHP's role among the professional and general public as a key institution in the field of green transition. The Institute remains committed to encouraging positive change—step by step, project by project.
The entire text is available on the website of Jutarnji list.