The Adriatic Adaptation Award - A3 competition is open. The competition is conducted within the Interreg IT-HR project “CREATE - Climate Responses for the AdriaTic REGion" framework. This competition aims to contribute to the visibility of the best-applied solutions, present the best practices, and encourage the replication of actions for the prosperity of the Adriatic region in the context of changing climate conditions.
The A3 award is given to solutions for adapting to climate change that has been developed and implemented in the Adriatic area in the following categories:
- Nature-based Solutions
- Solutions from the domain of governance
- Technical solutions, or
- a combination of the above solutions
Eligible applicants are counties/cities/municipalities, civil society organizations, or private entities registered within the Adriatic Croatia region.
Applications are open until March 10, 2023, 11:59 p.m.
More details about the competition are available on the website of the CREATE project.