Energy institute HRVOJE POŽAR


EIHP participated in the implementation of educational activities in the cities of Pakrac and Lipik

In addition to the fact that at the Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, we deal with analyses and studies in the field of energy, we are also focused on education, which includes the youngest. And educational materials, such as picture books or colouring books, are one of the best ways to approach serious topics to the youngest audience. The cities of Pakrac and Lipik know this well.

Based on a public call for the allocation of funds from the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency to co-finance activities that contribute to education and informing the public, Pakrac and Lipik, in addition to conducting public forums for citizens on the topic of waste management and environmental protection, also ordered the production of picture books - "Magic Garden " and "Magic Ria" - in which EIHP also participated.

Through picture books signed by author Martina Komerički and illustrator Dijana Topolnjak, cities teach children about environmental protection and work to raise awareness of the importance of waste prevention, product reuse, separate collection of municipal waste and recycling.

Therefore, step into the magic garden with your little ones, get to know magic Rija, be inspired by their colourful and sustainable world, and contact us to implement educational activities in your city as well!


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