As part of the BOOST4BIOEASTproject, financed by the Horizon call, the Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP), in cooperation with the Croatian Chamber of Agriculture and with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, organized an inter-ministerial meeting on Wednesday, 22 January 2025, at the premises of the Ministry of Agriculture. The meeting aimed to identify obstacles to the adoption of the Bioeconomy Strategy until 2035 and to agree on steps for the development of the Action Plan, a key document that will enable the implementation of the strategy.

The attendees were welcomed by Dražen Jakšić, Director of the Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Marinko Beljo, State Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and Tatjana Radić, on behalf of the Croatian Chamber of Agriculture. The meeting was also attended by members of the HUB for Bioeconomy, established as part of the project, who participated in creating the draft Strategy as members of the expert working group and representatives of other ministries.

About the project and the activities to mobilize cooperation between ministries and the interface between politics and science, spoke Dario Gazić, coordinator of the BOOST4BIOEAST project on behalf of EIHP. The BOOST4BIOEAST project is dedicated to strengthening the bioeconomy transformation in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic countries. It emphasizes the importance of cooperation and involvement of all stakeholders to ensure the sustainable use of renewable biological resources and stimulate innovation in the sector.
The Institute is the coordinator of the HUB for Bioeconomy established as part of the BOOST4BIOEAST project, with the support of the Croatian Chamber of Agriculture. The BOOST4BIOEAST project brings together 30 partners from 16 European countries, including BIOEAST members (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) and countries such as Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain.
The meeting agreed on further steps and announced the next inter-ministerial meeting, which will be held in May this year.