Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar organizira radionicu o primjeni mjera zaštite od požara i korištenja održivih materijala, koja će se održati u sklopu Programa stručnog usavršavanja sudionika u gradnji, 23. studenog 2023., u Mozaik event centru, Slavonska avenija 6/2, Zagreb, od 13:30 do 15:30 sati.
In the framework of the European Commission's technical support for implementing green transition measures within the Croatian National Development Plan framework for the reconstruction of earthquake-damaged buildings, fire protection is a basic requirement for buildings where obstacles to implementation in Croatia have been identified. Applying renewable and sustainable materials with a reduced carbon footprint and global pollution potential, as well as introducing additional risks into buildings by producing and storing energy on-site due to the accelerated development of available technologies, becomes important in optimizing the scope of investments.
After the introductory part, a round table/panel discussion of designers, representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, and the Croatian Firefighting Association is planned to determine the boundaries of the project and the necessary scope of building improvements within the framework of investments for energy renovation, and to what extent fire prevention measures make it challenging to decarbonize buildings and achieve energy savings.
The workshop is part of the project "Support for the implementation of green transition measures within the framework of the Croatian NPOO in the reconstruction of buildings damaged by earthquakes", financed by the European Union through the Technical Support Instrument. The beneficiary of the technical assistance project is the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets, and implementation support is provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in cooperation with the Directorate General of the European Commission for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM).
10 min | Briefly about the project and current results EIHP: Toni Borković |
10 min | Fire protection issues during the integration of photovoltaic systems, car charging stations and energy storage systems in the reconstruction of buildings - an example of EIHP building renovation EIHP: Margareta Zidar |
60-90 min | Round table Moderator: Toni Borković Ministry of the Interior: Bruno Šuta, Željko Pavlović Ministarstvo prostornoga uređenja, graditeljstva i državne imovine: Nevena Štrbić The Croatian Firefighting Association: Miodrag Drakulić, Milan Carević Faculty of Civil Engineering: Ivana Banjad-Pečur, Marija Jelčić-Rukavina Designers of fire protection measures and studies: Željko Mužević, Goran Tončinić, Dinko Naprta |
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to actively participate in the workshop and confirm your participation via the APPLICATION FORM.