
Visit of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway

On Friday, May 7th, 2021, Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) hosted the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway, Mr. H.E. Mr. Haakon Blankenborg accompanied by Ms. Homma Latif, Counselor and Deputy Head of Mission and Ms. Maja Dodić, Senior Project Adviser.
On that occasion, the director of the Institute, Dražen Jakšić, presented the work of the Institute along with Mr. Mladen Zeljko, Ms. Vesna Bukarica, Mr. Matija Vajdić and Mr. Andro Bačan.
The first presentation was followed by the presentation of the Energy and Climate Change (EACC) Programme held by Mr. Vajdić and continued by the presentation about the predefined project “The Establishment of the national training center for nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB)” held by Ms. Bukarica. In January 2021, the EIHP started managing the EACC Programme jointly with The Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds where EIHP serves the role of the Programme Partner. Besides the management of the EACC Programme, on 7th of May the Energy Efficiency Department of the EIHP started the project “Establishment of the national training center for nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB)” jointly with the Project Partner, the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb. The project is about enhancing knowledge of the professionals dealing with buildings and raising the awareness among other respective stakeholders regarding all the aspects of the building retrofit by adopting innovative technical solutions fitted to the nearly zero energy building (nZEB) requirements. This will be done by establishing the national training center for nZEB in the EIHP office building which is about to be deeply retrofitted so the training center will also serve as a flagship nZEB showcase.
The meeting provided also the opportunity to exchange information on the most recent and planned developments in Croatian energy sector. The potential for close cooperation with Norwegian partners in exchange of knowledge, research and development activities in the sustainable energy field was emphasised by both Norwegian and Croatian representatives.

Ms. Homma Latif, Mr. Dražen Jakšić, Mr. H.E. Mr. Haakon Blankenborg, Mr. Mladen Zeljko, Matija Vajdić, Ms. Vesna Bukarica and Mr. Andro Bačan.
Ms. Homma Latif, Mr. Dražen Jakšić, Mr. H.E. Mr. Haakon Blankenborg, Mr. Mladen Zeljko, Matija Vajdić, Ms. Vesna Bukarica and Mr. Andro Bačan.



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